Sevastopol Endocrinology Centre
Name, trademark
and corporate identity
for a private healthcare facility
The centre specialises in the treatment of endocrine system and joint diseases, and has a modern physiotherapy department.
New brand claims leadership from the start
A medical brand cannot look complicated and incomprehensible. When a person is in pain, the last thing they want to do is solve riddles. We highlighted the key area 'endocrinology', and it served not only to define the name, but also as an element of positioning.
- Sevastopol
- Endocrinology
- Center

Logo and corporate identity
A sign that is easy to read, eye-catching and works on any media.
The Crimea in general and Sevastopol in particular has been a concentration of treatment facilities since the days of tsarist Russia. How to show that there is an institution superior to anything that came before it?