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Apothecary Orchard
Navigation parcum conceptu
Intelligent navigation and sensitive information management
• Help visitors find important objects without interfering with the perceived appearance of the historic park.
• Standardise plant signatures so that plaques do not compete with the exhibits themselves.
Principium initium
Exploring the garden was a series of visits with a total run of about thirty kilometres. It was enjoyable.
Observing the paths, paths and visitors in the park yielded no shocking and exotic discoveries: navigation signs are required where paths and paths intersect. And also where the most active flows of visitors converge.
Due to the historical nature of the garden, navigational elements are extremely difficult to electrify.
But that doesn't mean they can't be done well.
Based on the observations collected, we have compiled a list of key signposts.
A total of 41 signposts are proposed: at major intersections and at the densest traffic locations.
There are some difficult intersections where it is necessary to mark all directions at once. And there is a clear perception that the park's paths are too cozy and narrow, you can't put a pole with signposts in the middle of them. Therefore, it may be necessary to use two signs opposite each other in several places. This would solve the navigation problem without obstructing the view or putting visitors' hats at risk.
Litterarum combination
A harmonious pairing - the academicism of the antique and the lightness of the informational grotesque.
A refined and slightly romantic antiqua. For all its academicism, it does not lack a touch of self-irony in its rounding and outriggers. An intelligent headset for resting eyes that are used to the Times.
A typeface with convincing readability even in small pins. Phenomenal emotional sterility in every lettering allows it to be a universal pairing for any sense partner. This makes it indispensable for navigational projects.
Large navigation sign
— points to the nearest points of attraction;
— contains a textual introduction that reveals the essence of what what we will see if we follow the arrow. The text can be quite large, so this plaque is placed lower down to make it easier to read.
— collects directions to the rest of the more distant sites;
Multi-track signpost
Description label
For simplicity and cost-effectiveness - the signposts consist of just two parts: a supporting column and a plate on a clamp.
The circular cross-section of the column allows the signs to be fixed so that the arrow can be pointed precisely in the right direction. This is particularly important given the complex geometry of garden paths.
According to our calculations, a height of approx. 2.2 metres should be left from ground level to the top of the structure so that you can read the signposts comfortably and not hit your head on the corners.
The column is made of black powder-coated metal. It is essentially an ordinary pipe.
The signs can be made from the simplest plastic with self-adhesive film printing.
The clamps are made of black plastic and are snapped into place by the frame of the plate once it is placed on the pipe and secured in position by friction.
Columnae modulari
The arrows are the only stylistic hint of the garden's age.
In vita
The signposts are set into the ground so that the signs do not interfere with the movement of even the tallest visitors. Thanks to the design of the clamps, signposts in different directions do not compete with each other for the height of the column.
The font pairing works perfectly on nameplates with plant names, park zone descriptions and in any media.
They are made of plastic and the information is printed on with a self-adhesive film.
Thanks to the simple grid and a simple design, the signs can be made in virtually any size without losing their recognisability.
Plant nomen eius
The name in Latin
The habitat
In vita
The information is perfectly readable even in the bright context of an autumn garden and in any lighting conditions.
We couldn't miss the main sign marking the entrance to the garden.
It is now clear that this structure is more than just a shopping pavilion on Mira Avenue in Moscow
The way to the ticket office. Small, but necessary detail
Hortus nomen eius
— Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?