The Task:

Make a service for parents where they can order food for their children in schools. Yes, ordinary parents of ordinary children in ordinary schools.

School meal service design

Simply ordering individual meals from school canteens is too easy.

1. Let's imagine that there are several children.
2. That they study in different schools.
3. That they have different medical restrictions.
4. Let's also imagine that the order can be made for each day separately.
5. Yes, separately for each child.
A video of how we did it:
HappyLunch service design
adapted for all types of devices



  • Olga Vainer

    Founder of HappyLunch
    My mornings started with Pavel Baturin's Skype files and a heated discussion of why this one is awesome and this one we can't have. I think we even tried to anticipate the user's eye movements! I just want to say thank you very much for your work, solemnly swear not to cheat with other designers, and wish you only adequate positive clients (like us)!